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You are reading this because you have shown an interest in the Yellowstone Trail (YT) and the Yellowstone Trail Association (YTA) involves something of interest to you, right?

Maybe it was because the YTA works to increase public knowledge of the historic auto route and its importance in both local and national history. It is, as you know, just plain interesting! And it opens the doors to a whole lot more knowledge of our history.

Maybe it was because the YTA promotes digging out the history and route of the old YT. Some of us are fascinated with the facts we find in old newspapers, facts hidden away in libraries or archives, and even stories that were told.

Maybe it was because the YTA promotes and supports heritage tourism, the “Great American Road Trip on the YT,” which finds all sorts of historical and scenic “things” to see and experience. It is a trip “through the Panorama of American History" that makes history real and fun.

Maybe it was because the YTA provides the Arrow, lets you learn about the latest happenings along the Trail, and asks you to consider joining in.

Maybe it was because the purpose of the YTA to preserve historical items matched your interest in saving an old section of YT pavement, a historic YT sign, your family scrapbook of travel, or even an old hotel on the old YT.

Maybe it was because the YTA supports “Yellowstone Trail Days,” sociability runs, public presentations, or cemetery stories!

One could say that the YTA works to share “sites, sights, and cites” along 3,600 miles of Trail. Big things are coming. First, it is a new website with great new maps, useful even on your phone.

Your YTA dues provide the only income there is. Renew when it is time. Provide a membership for someone you know! Remember, the Board members are all volunteers.

The dues just had to be adjusted. And with the new dues structure, it is now easy to add just that bit of a donation if you would like to do so! Choose your membership level. Any amount paid over the Basic rate will be a donation to the Yellowstone Trail Association. You may renew for one or for two years. The following are the new Membership levels and amounts per year:


Become a member
or renew your membership

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